
Trail Studio 為香港極少數的高級相片/油畫製作公司,我們的giclee-printing油畫在影像細緻度、真實感以及耐久度各方面都有極佳表現 – 只有真正高質的結婚油畫相,才能好好保存珍貴的回憶,絕非坊間常見之廉價油畫相、快速製作油畫相(即UV/solvent printing油畫相)所能媲美。 詳情請見網頁 (藝術級無框油畫相): https://www.trailstudio.com.hk/Services/Output/PO_GWC1.html

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「名筆館」? 對於此店我實在完全收不到「風」。誠言已擁有數十支墨水筆,較難有Impulse-buy的衝動,只是抱著先偵察一下的心態隨便逛逛。一進店便覺眼前一亮,店面格局很Warm很親切,看到不少好貨及大型連鎖文具店沒有的品牌,感覺店內由裝潢到進貨種類各項細節都充滿誠意,而且在此年頭仍然選擇開墨水筆店,便知老闆肯定是位愛筆之一人。

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From Porfirio Diaz to P F.Chang, 100 years of Chinese migration in Mexico Photo exhibition

Coming from the other side of the Pacific Ocean, The Ministry of Culture of Peru will be organizing a photography exhibition in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, and it is an honor for Trail Studio to be the photo printing service provider of this exhibition.
By participating in this exhibition, we are proud to be able to realize our core value – a life-like photo print helps define photography as art, as well as an effective means of communication between people speaking different languages and living in different places, and to record history.

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